Sunday, August 21, 2011

Photorealistic Render Comparison

Here is a good comparison of a rendered image versus a photo. This is the type of quality you should be aiming for with your comparisons.

Independent Study over the 2 week break!

· In this task, you will be accurately modelling a building and capturing comparative renderings (to existing photographs) that highlight your modelling and visualisation skills. This task is similar in nature to the first Folding Paper exercise. The purpose of this task is to increase your knowledge of accurately reading and transferring plans into 3D models, and creating believable renders. The assignment will use your group base model as a starting point to re-imagining your chosen architecture.

· Arrange yourselves into groups of 3-4 and post to your blog the names of the members in your group, providing links to their blogs from your blog post.

· In your groups of 3-4, decide on an Architect, and choose a particular building of theirs to research. Build a base group 3D model of your chosen building (accuracy is important), using photos, plans, sections, elevations, dimensions, images and descriptions that you find collectively as a group.

· You should choose a building with an interesting geometrical makeup, and a building that you can find many images/photos of, and much documentation on. Since you will be re-imagining the architecture, it is worth considering a building that you can imagine changing in significant ways.

· You will each need to find at least two sources (different from your other group member's sources and not from the internet) on your Architect or your chosen building, and conduct extra research into the building to help with detailing.

· You will need to work together to figure out the accurate geometry of your building.

· Capture images of your developing model, and post to your blog, so we can see your process in developing the group model. (These images can be shared amongst the group).

· Once you have an accurate group model, share the final version of your model amongst your group members. You will use this base model as a starting point for the rest of the Assignment 2.

· Post images that you have captured yourselves of your own group model to your blogs. (You should capture these images individually so that there is variation between content on your group members blogs).

· Post any combined research that your group undertakes to your blogs. (this can be shared information).

· Choose 2 photos each, an interior and an exterior of your building, and make a render that matches the photo in terms of geometry, lighting, camera angle, etc. The images should geometrically match up EXACTLY, and be recognisably similar images. If they don't, then your model is not totally accurate. Members for the same group should each choose different photos from each other.

· You can start collecting images and examples of the types of modifications that you intend to enact on the building, including site examples, architectural precedents, structural details, materials and functions.

· Start thinking about how you would like to re-envision the architecture. Think about a new site context in which your building will exist, changes to the structure, scale materiality, and function.

· Write to your blog 150 words describing and expressing your ideas and intended direction for the re-inventing of this building.

· We will be using Layar and Junaio (among other applications) for the location based Augmented Reality aspects of teh project. YOu may want to do some independent study, and even look at setting up your own Layar (though there is some scripting involved).

· Layar

· Junaio

Week 6 – Tasks for Studio

Presentations of Assignment 1! Everyone must present!

After presentations, arrange yourself into groups of 3-4 for the task to be completed over the break.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Independent Study for Week 6 Studio

· Work on Assignment 1 submission, Due 2pm, 22nd August, Week 6 Studio.

· Presentations are compulsory! (Everyone must attend, or provide documentation explaining any absence).

Week 5 – Tasks for Studio

  • Continue to work on your Assignment 1 outputs, developing and refining your ideas.
  • You should have a fairly resolved Draft Poster and Draft AR “Box”. If you don’t, you MUST have a working prototype and poster resolved by the end of Studio today.
  • Get final feedback on your developing content for presentation next week.
  • Get all blog tasks completed and up to date. Refer back to the tasks and techniques raised throughout the session.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Independent Study for Week 5 Studio

  • Find a poster or piece of graphic art from your chosen designer.

  • Analyse the work considering elements such as layout, proportion, font, colour, etc… providing a visual graphic breakdown and 200 words of text depicting your idea on why the chosen graphic work is successful.

  • Develop a draft spread of your 2 xA3 layout based on your starting grid from studio, considering the graphic representation styles you have discovered in the research of your chosen designers (post to your blog):

    • Your draft poster should show your base grid (very faintly at this stage), have Image Place holders that are representative of the final images you intend to use, and include a draft text so you can get a feel of the how the text reads next to your graphics and images.

  • Continue Working on and refining your Assignment 1 outputs.

Week 4 – Tasks for Studio

  • Continue to work on your Assignment 1 outputs, developing and refining your ideas.
  • Refer back to the tasks and techniques raised in the first 3 weeks, refining your processes, and reworking any lacking components.
  • Write 300 words reflecting on your project so for, considering what elements of each stage of the design process has made it through to the next, highlighting where the influence for each decision has come from, and spelling out in clear terms each stage of your design process. Concentrate especially on how the work of your chosen designer has helped to lead your design thinking.
  • Based on themes raised in the Week 4 lecture, develop a grid for your 2xA3 poster spread for assignment 1. (You will use this grid as a base for the first draft of your poster. For independent study.) Define a base grid layout for your 2 x A3 posters (I suggest using InDesign), using grid lines and solid blocks, starting to think about your content, and how you might like to arrange your pages. Think about page orientation, relationship between the pages and grid sizes. Post images of your grid to your blog.